Green Flag Award Ceremony

We are delighted to announce that Cloughduv N.S. has been awarded the Green School Flag for Travel by An Taisce. We have worked on this theme over the 2 two years, led by 2 wonderful committees. We want to thank the committees for their hard work in leading us. We have had competitions, awareness campaigns, written to Cork County Council, been granted a cover for our bike storage (due shortly) and did more besides. We have also continued to work on our previous themes. This is all made possible by the support of our staff, the children in our school and the PA. So, well done to our school community.

Our committee were lucky enough to travel to the Radisson Blu in Little Island where they enjoyed an enjoyable lunch before the award ceremony.

Bike Week

National Bike Week was celebrated from May 11th – 19th. As part of this, the Green School Committee encouraged children to bike or scoot to school. Despite the rain, some children braved the elements and cycled/ scooted to and from school. The Committee kept a record of how many did this each day – Scores on Doors. Congratulations to Junior and Senior Infants who had the greatest percentage of children scoot/ bike to school over the week.

On Friday, there was a Cycle Bus organised by the PA. A tremendous amount of work went into a well organised event. Thanks to the PA for their work on this. It was a wonderful atmosphere on the day!


Bake Sale

Sixth class held a very successful Bake Sale on May 9th. We were very impressed with the array of home baking that was brought in for the event. We have a number of talented bakers in our school. Sixth are very grateful for the support that they received on the day from our school community.


Gardening season has well & truly started in Cloughduv NS.  The raised beds  have a wonderful variety of flowers and plants. We  love to see the colour! We can’t wait to watch our flowers and plants grow over the next few weeks.