Happy Halloween!

All the children (and staff!) dressed up to celebrate Halloween before Midterm break. Lots of scary witches, ghosts and sharks were seen roaming around the school. The biggest surprise was that the Minions took over 6th class!!



Come on Ireland!

To support the Irish rugby team in the quarter final, all the children wore green, white & orange clothes on Friday. Some children even dyed their hair!! Everyone looked fantastic & the Irish Rugby team would have been proud. It was also a fundraiser for 5th class as they plan on entering the VEX Robotics competition this year. Although the rugby team were not successful in the end, we hope that 5th class will be!!



The pupils were very lucky recently to get a taster of Gymnastics, which was kindly provided by the Parents’ Association with planning by Ms. Luttrell. The younger children had a gymnastics workshop in the school hall with a qualified coach. They had great fun & especially enjoyed the balancing activities. All the older pupils went by bus to Douglas Gymnastics club where they experienced a whole day of varied gymnastics activities. They commented that they could not pick a favourite as they loved them all!