World Book Day

Eventhough it was delayed by over a week due to the snow, we still had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day in Cloughduv N.S.

Check out the photographs below showing the children dressed up as some of their favourite literary characters.

Tug of War

3rd and 4th Classes recently had the opportunity to try out the sport of ‘Tug of War’! Mr. McElroy arranged for Anthony Collins from the Irish Tug of War Association to come to the school and give a practical workshop to the children. Anthony demonstrated a number of techniques and strategies used in Tug of War and brought along the correct rope which is used in competitions. The children all had a chance to put their new skills into use and really enjoyed the experience.

Eason Spelling Bee 2018

A huge well done to Sean Kierse  who competed in the County Final of the Eason Spelling Bee in the Rochestown Park Hotel last week. What a great achievement for Sean to compete so well –  he really did himself, his family & the school proud! It was great that he got so far, considering he never did anything like it before.

Here are some photos from the event!

Pancake Tuesday!

On Tuesday the 13/2/18 Mr McElroys class made pancakes as it was PANCAKE TUESDAY!   We all mixed the ingredients and Alice and Ciara helped Mr McElroy cook them on a camping stove.  After a minute we flipped the pancake, then after another half minute we flipped it again. We all got a bit of pancake with sugar. It was delicious.

We then had a pancake flipping competition. Whoever got the most flips won. We used wraps instead of pancakes as the pancakes broke too easily. The 4th class winner was Chloe and the 3rd class winner was Grace. We also had a boys v girls pancake relay. You had to run across the yard with a frying pan and flip a pancake into the frying pan of your team mate. If we dropped the pancake we got a 5 second penalty. It was great fun and the girls won the competition!

Written by: Emily Ronan and Chloe O’ Driscoll